Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine's Day Postponed

The first day Neil ever talked to me was February 7th 2007. He wanted to meet me on Valentines Day, but I wanted a little more time to get to know each other before meeting. We set our day to meet for March 2nd and decided we would celebrate Valentines that day instead. Well wouldn't you know it, that smooth talkin' man convinced me to meet him early, Feb 23rd. But we still celebrated Valentines day on March 2nd. Ever since then, it has been a tradition to celebrate Valentines day late, which works great for our budget! I get twice as many roses for half the price!

This year we were in OKC the weekend before and Neil took me out to eat at my favorite restaurant Johnny Carino's. It was sooo good! We planned to celebrate in Springfield just one day late, Feb 15th, but I was feeling kinda sick, so we postponed it further to Friday Night. As it turned out, I was feeling even worse by then, so Neil modified our night out on the town to dinner at home. Delivery pizza on the snuggler (yes that is really what our chair is called) is my idea of a perfect date!

When I asked Neil how much we were spending on presents, he told me that we would just go on a date and that would be our gift. However, I think this was the plan last year and when he took me out to eat at Hemmingway's, he surprised me with a video slide show set to Dash Board Confessionals song Stolen and then he gave me a backup wedding ring! I am getting off subject here, but last year at this time I was working in the warehouse, packing and shipping. I was so worried to wear my ring for fear it would get damaged or that I would accidentally ship it to some lucky customer! So Neil got me a back up ring to wear to work! How glad I am now to have a cushy desk job and get to wear my real wedding ring :)

Back to Valentines day 2010, even though Neil told me that we weren't doing presents I expected that he had some trick up his sleeve. So planning on this I decided to make him a present, that way I would stay within our present budget, but not come up short like I did last year! However, when Neil discovered I was spending long amounts of time shut in the office, he found out I was crafting his Valentines gift and revealed that he didn't have a gift for me! Poor Neil! So instead, he planned our date and he took me to dinner in OKC and he bought me roses! And he had a surprise present for me after all!

He is my dream man :) Did I mention that he has been waking up early and making my lunch and sending me to work with hot tea all week? Now that is a true Valentine!

You have stolen my heart

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Am Yours

Happy Valentines Day! We hope you had a great one!

p.s. you may have to jump start this video and move the bar over a little, it seems to be shy to start on its own.

p.p.s. If it sounds like I hit a terribly wrong note at the end, Neil made me! He said I had to do the dissonance and then resolve it. Sorry!

p.p.p.s. even though i don't remember the exact conversation (it was several months ago) i am not actually evil like she makes me sound... -Neil