Friday, August 31, 2012

30 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 30 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  10 lbs (or 25 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Cucumber (Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.)
  • Her skin is getting smoother.
  • But her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
  • She's now strong enough to grasp a finger!
Maternity Clothes I squeezed into a pre-pregnancy jean skirt this week!  I was really surprised that it still fit, and I had to go to the bathroom a lot more frequently because it was pretty tight, but I just sagged that skirt down low and I was able to even button it all the way!  
Its sad, once I find a cute outfit that works, I try to wear it at least twice, which leaves Neil seeing a duplicate wife multiple days.  So if I run into you at the grocery store, chances are I'm wearing the same thing you saw me in last time ;)

Gender: We are having a Girl!  And we have decided to name her Hadley :)

Movement: She likes to move it move it.  She gets the hiccups multiple times a week, and I go to sleep and wake up to her kicking most days.  I have lately been able to feel her body a lot more clearly - tiny sharp elbows, her core body as she hiccups, little feet up in my ribcage!  She was kicking this morning and daddy came over to talk to her and kiss on my belly.  She got really still as he was there, and as soon as he left, she kicked again, as if to say "hey!  Where did my daddy go?  I want some more kisses!"
Sleep: I've started falling asleep on the couch again - poor Neil.  He never acts frustrated at my lack of productivity or laziness.  He is always so understanding, saying that I'm working hard just making our baby!

Cravings: My dr's office told me that my blood sugar is a little on the high side and to watch my sugars.  Since then all I can think about is the Turtle Pie sitting in the fridge.  I have to convince myself multiple times each day to choose something else! 

Other crazy symptoms: Still feeling a little sick, although yesterday was a highly productive day!  I'm starting to knock out some of my projects which is helping my "nesting" feelings a lot :)

My belly button is getting stretched pretty tight.  It isn't an "outtie" but looking down on it from my perspective it kinda has a little beak - a fold of skin that pooks out a tiny bit.
Best Moments this week: 
We had the kick off of a new year of small groups at church sunday.  This year will be the first time that Neil and I don't do a couples group together.  He will be leading "The Man Group" and I've joined the women's Life Fit group, which will focus on honoring God in all areas of our life (body, mind and spirit).  We are both so excited!

I hosted my first baby shower - thrown by my friends at work!  They planned it under the guise of a girls night, so I offered to have it at my house, then they announced that it was really a shower/movie night!  So sneaky.  It was so much fun and we got a lot of great things for the baby!  Its starting to feel more and more real each day!  We watched 13 going on 30.  It is such a cute movie.  Everytime I watch it now I walk around on a cloud for a few days because her fairytale ending in the movie is my true life fairytale :)

I went to the dentist for the first time since I've been pregnant and was sure they would have to pull all my teeth and start fresh due to my lack of consistency on brushing early in my pregnancy.  However I made it through with flying colors and not even one cavity!  Hurray!

I got our first Christmas present, surprisingly (or not) for the newest member of our family, my sweet niece!  Neil and I are planning to have all the presents bought before the baby comes (early Nov.) so we aren't stressing about anything last minute (like we usually do!).

The nurse at the dr's office told me exactly where the baby is positioned - head down, body on the left, little feet kicking to the right!  I love to picture her all curled up in there.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

29 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 29 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  9 lbs (or 24 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Acorn Squash (Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.)

Maternity Clothes
It has been so nice outside lately, we have run the attic fan almost every day!  I love that cool breeze blowing through the house.  It has me ready for fall!  I have really enjoyed the summer and I'm trying to get the last few uses out of my skirts before I become a full time jeans lady!

Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

Movement: My girl is so active.  She has hit the phase of kicking where you can visibly see my stomach moving :)

Sleep: This week's dreams included me giving birth two twin cows.  I was so disappointed that we didn't have a girl and had calves instead.  Then I couldn't decide what to do with the cows because even though they weren't human, they were still my babies!

Cravings: Dr. Pepper.  I've been drinking my caffeine free and I'm not trying to complain about it, but there are just some days where my head is in a fog and I need some caffeine! It's not really a headache, and I hate to take Tylenol for it.  Before I was pregnant I would just drink a Coke or Dr. Pepper and it would clear it right up, but no such luck now-a-days!

Other crazy symptoms: A little bit of a sicky feeling has come back this week.  I don't have nearly as much energy and I have a hard time choosing what sounds good to eat or eating very much of it.  No throwing up though!
Best Moments this week:
Kimberly came up and we crafted together
Neil and I got to spend some time with Amanda's sweet kids
We interviewed our potential pediatrician
I received a precious diaper shaped invitation to my shower in OKC - an IceCream Social!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

28 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 28 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  7 lbs (or 22 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Eggplant (Average size: 13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.)

Maternity Clothes
I'm starting to get into the groove of maternity clothes - understanding what still fits and what doesn't.  Finally.

Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

Movement: My girl is so active.  She has hit the phase of kicking where you can visibly see my stomach moving :)
Sleep: The crazy dreams are out in full force - from an attempted robbing by a craig's list buyer to having an african american baby with an ex-boyfriend.  I'm ready for some normal happy dreams where neil and I have a baby together and she looks like us and we are all happy and the world is wonderful :)  Neil said those dreams are called day dreams lol

Cravings: always and forever Ice-cream.  This week I've also been enjoying hummus and fresh plums.  But not together.

Other crazy symptoms: Drainage/Stuffy Nose/Coughing.  Its been worse since I had my cold, but I've really had these symptoms the whole pregnancy.  I also feel like my stomach is squashed so I can't eat as much as I used to.
Best Moments this week: Marty and Kelly came up for the weekend and we had a wonderful time!  Nicole, Colt and I went shopping and out to lunch - so fun!  We also had our doctor's appointment this week which was wonderful.  We had our 2nd ultrasound and we were a little disapointed not to be able to see more of our sweetheart's face.  She is head down already, and had her face squashed up against the placenta so we couldn't get a clear shot.  But I could see her little heart beating (146) and her little lips sucking.  We are so glad to have a healthy girl.  I'm measuring in the 45th percentile and the baby weighs about 2lbs 10oz.  Only 12 weeks left!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

27 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 27 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 6 lbs (or 21 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Rutabaga (Average size: 13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.)

Maternity Clothes:
I got a ton of wonderful maternity clothes this week from some sweet ladies at church.  It is such a blessing to not have to go out and spend a lot of money on clothes that I will only wear for a few months :) - Thanks Amanda and Heather!

Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

Movement: She got the hiccups this week!  It was so cute, I was laying in bed and she kept kicking softly, so I moved so Neil could feel her.  Then I realized that the movements were very rhythmic and softer than her usual kicks and I put it together that it must be hiccups!
Sleep: My sister lent me her maternity pillow and it is awesome!  It wraps around your whole body and is very supportive - Thanks Karen!

Cravings: We found CAFFEINE FREE DR PEPPER at walmart!!! I was so excited!  I've been trying not to go crazy on the carbonated beverages, and drink lots of water, but there is just something about a soda that boosts my spirit on a long day.  I had been doing caffeine free coke, but just found out about the Dr. P.

Other crazy symptoms: Its been a beautiful week - we got a great rain on Wednesday and it has cooled off into the 80's and is just gorgeous!  However, before the cool down, I was having heat stroke like a furnace!  I'm usually cold blooded and end up being chilled anytime I'm indoors no matter what the outdoor temp, so this has been quite a change for me.
Best Moments this week: We went to OKC for the weekend.  It was so much fun!  We celebrated Neil's birthday and my sister gave me a pedicure :)  We also got a baby swing from my sister and it is so crazy to walk past the nursery and see a little baby thing in there!  Its making it feel very real!

My dad did lots of work on a changing table for our sweet girl and Neil spent the week painting it and our book shelf.  Things are starting to come together!  Only 13 weeks left :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

26 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 26 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 4 lbs (or 19 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Lettuce (Average size: 13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.)

Maternity Clothes:
I'm wearing the same 4 elastic waist skirts over and over!  Thank goodness I still have some shirts to offer some variety.

Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

Movement: I get kicked pretty frequently now-a-days and I'm loving every minute of it :)

Sleep: Nothing too memorable in the sleep department.  I'm still very dependent on my humidifier and use it everyday!

Cravings: Cold fresh Orange Juice!

Other crazy symptoms: I've cut my pill into eighth's.  Its still working even at just 1/2mg each!  I've tried several times unsuccessfully to get off the pill entirely.  Maybe there is hope for me yet!
Best Moments this week: We celebrated Neil's birthday by going to Branson and eating at our favorite restaurant, Cantina Laredo.  We also went to a beautiful garden/park and walked through the trails.  It is so fun just to be together!  We day dreamed about bringing the baby there someday.