Thursday, October 25, 2012

38 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 38 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  20 lbs (or 35 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Pumpkin (Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.)

Baby might have an inch or so of hair already.
Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen. 

Maternity Clothes Comfort is key nowadays.  We are making it just fine - I stay in pajamas most of the day, which I'm sure Neil loves.  Ah what a glamorous wife he has ;)
Gender: We are having a Girl! 
Movement: Movement seems to have slowed down some.  I still feel her quite often throughout the day, but she is more sluggish than before.  Hardly any sharp kicks, just lazy rolls (and hiccups).  She is running out of room!
Sleep: Sleep is a little more uncomfortable.  My stomach is so big that when I lay on my side, it curves in where my waist used to be (aligned with my rib cage), and then bumps back up an inch or two where the baby is.  I guess there isn't any room for her to press down into the bed, so she gets hoisted up into the air!  So there is the stomach bumping, and the night time bathroom visits (about 2 per night), the weird dreams, & random cramps and aches - usually in my stomach.  I also can't roll over without a lot of conscious effort, so anytime my body is tired of laying in one position, I wake up automatically to hoist myself over to the other side!  I will enjoy sleeping on my stomach again one day :)

Cravings: I've started craving fruit again - big time.  Strawberries, bananas, pineapple, peaches - they all sound delicious!  I want some fruit salad!  I read this week that pineapple can help induce labor, but that it contains so little of whatever causes the inducement, that you would need to eat about 7 whole pineapples before it affected you :)
Other crazy symptoms: Before I was pregnant, I had no idea how much your core muscles just don't function like they used to when you are pregnant.  Its so hard to get up off the couch or out of bed.  I always assumed, when observing pregnant women in the past, that it was due to the amount of weight they had gained, and the big ball of a belly, that prevented them from leaning forward to stand up easily.  Now I know that your stomach just doesn't work!  I have to use my arms and legs and rocking motions to swing myself up!

I've started having a bit of swelling.  If you didn't know what my feet used to look like, you probably wouldn't notice, but I sure do.  They tingle at the end of the day, and my shoes are even tighter than last week.  It seems like my left side swells a little more than my right.  I used to have visible tendons on the top of my feet and now they are just puffed right over.

Best Moments this week:  
I went to the Dr yesterday and he said everything is looking great!  He confirmed that I am 80-90% effaced (my cervix has thinned way down), and the baby's head is very low already, so all that is left is dilation.  He said this should help my labor to go faster (who knows how much faster) because a lot of the work that some people do in labor is effacement - and I've already got that done!  Hurray!
We took a few more maternity pictures, this time at a local park.  I can't believe how talented Neil is with a camera!  Many of the people who saw them assumed that we had a professional do them.  I said, yes - my professional husband took them :)

Neil's parents are coming up tonight to be here for the big day!  I can hardly believe it is almost time!  It seems so surreal.  Neil and I fluctuate between extreme excitement and extreme nervousness.  Say a prayer for us if you think of it :)

And just for fun - here is a little side by side of my pregnancy progression: 15 weeks, 28 and 38 weeks!

15 Weeks

28 Weeks

38 Weeks

There is a chance this could be my last bumpdate!  Neil and I are tentatively expecting the baby to come on Tuesday (Oct 30th) for three *scientific* reasons:

1. There is a full moon on Monday
2. Karen's baby this summer was born about 5 days early, so we may be a couple days early
3. Neil said most 1st time moms go into labor in the 39th week.

So we shall see!  We may just as likely be 2 weeks late as 3 days early, but we're trying to be prepared either way :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

37 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 37 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  20 lbs (or 35 from my lowest low) - I gained 3 lbs this week!  I actually squeaked about the big change while standing on the scale in front of the nurse, and she and I both watched as the number jumped even higher!  She laughed and said - you shouldn't have said anything! 

Baby Size: Winter Melon (Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.)
Get excited. At 37 weeks, your baby has reached full term. That means she’s developed his most crucial functions. Of course, she’ll get even healthier and stronger over the next few weeks, so don’t get too impatient. Around week 37, many moms-to-be find themselves organizing cupboards and scrubbing their floors. That’s the nesting instinct kicking in as your body senses baby will be here shortly. It also might be your brain’s way of making sure you’re prepared for just about anything, so you can feel like you have an extra edge on this whole new parent thing.

Maternity Clothes My shoes aren't fitting well anymore.  My feet don't really look swollen and the Dr. always says I'm looking good swelling wise.  It feels like my feet are a size bigger, or maybe just wider.  It doesn't bother me most the time, since I'm barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen ;) but Sunday mornings are a bit of a challenge.

Gender: We are having a Girl! Still! lol  I sometimes feel worried that the ultrasounds were deceiving and we will actually end up with a boy - wouldn't that be a big adjustment!?!
Movement: She is still hiccuping all the time!  Only now she does it with her back against my belly making them humongous and body jolting!  I have also been able to feel little body parts more prominently than before, like a sharp little heel or knee pressing out.  Neil can even recognize them from the outside.
Sleep: Sleep has been going good.  I have been getting up about 2 times a night now.  Thank goodness for our motion sensor nightlight in the bathroom.  It would be terrible to have to turn on the bright light and fully wake up each time!

Cravings: Still craving sweets but I'm trying to get control. 
Other crazy symptoms: The gallbladder pain hasn't bothered me at all this week, so I wonder if it was just some rich food. What he said about bruised organs makes total sense.  I have been trying to sit up so straight to give that area a rest and I think it has been helping my other aches as well.  I haven't had much issues with muscle cramping.  A few times in the morning when I stretch my calves or feet act like they kinda want to cramp, but I quickly relax and so far so good.

Best Moments this week:  Time is going by so fast!  Its hard to keep up with what is happening when.  This month is pastor appreciation month, and our senior group at church took all the pastors out to lunch Tuesday.  This was the first time I've been able to go - since I'm usually at work.  It is such a blessing to have a loving church family!
Neil and I took some maternity pictures - at the cemetery of all places!  They have some beautiful old trees there, grassy areas and a pretty white gazebo.
Neil and I are continuing to cross things off our to-do list, slowly but surely!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

36 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 36 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  17 lbs (or 32 from my lowest low) - no gain this week!  I made up for my 2 lbs last week I guess

Baby Size:
Honeydew (Average size: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 lb
  • She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own.
  • Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid.
  • Her liver and kidneys are in working order.
  • Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.

Maternity Clothes This week I refashioned a sweater into a cardigan!  I love it so much and wear it quite often.
Gender: We are having a Girl! 
Movement: My poor baby is running out of room!  She simultaneously pushes on all sides of my belly!  She is getting so strong :)
Sleep: The sleeping part is fine, and I get to go to sleep and wake up when I want to most days which is super helpful to my tired old body.  I can't imagine having to go to work at this point - I think I would be worthless by the end of the day.  As it is I'm about out of energy after 8:00 and usually just sit on the couch until I fall asleep or go to bed!

Cravings: Never in the whole pregnancy have I craved sweets like I do right now.  I bought and ate a whole bag of peanut M&M's in no time flat.  That is in addition to my ovaltine and icecream.  I better watch out - now is an easy time to pack on the pounds - and I sure don't want to when I'm so close to being done!
Other crazy symptoms: I've been having some weird pain - usually in the middle of the night - that feels like my organs are being crushed by a tight band around my stomach just below my ribs.  I thought it might be braxton hicks, but the muscles aren't tight at all during the pain.  Then I thought it could be heartburn, but why would that start after 5 hours of sleep?  I talked to my dr about it and he said it was either just that my organs are bruised from being pinched between my ribs and the baby, or it could be my gallbladder!  I do think I have some bruising, but that doesn't describe the intenseness of the pain - its like I'm going to pass out!  And it only lasts for 5 minutes or so, and then fades away.  I guess gallbladder issues range in severity, so we will reassess after the pregnancy.  He said it could just be that I ate some rich food that night and caused my gallbladder to act up, or it could be a more permanent problem requiring surgery, but we wouldn't do surgery until after the pregnancy!  Talk about freak me out!  I think he was just listing worse case scenarios, so he said just keep an eye on it for now.
Best Moments this week:  
I was pretty bummed after my dr's apt - I'm not sure what got me upset - it wasn't really the gallbladder thing, I think it was just a bunch of small things added together and pregnancy moodiness.  Anyway, when Neil came home from work he surprised me with some beautiful mums and two little pumpkins!  I put them on the porch and they make me happy everyday :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

35 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  17 lbs (or 32 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Coconut (Average size: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 lb)
My uterus has grown about 1,000 times its original size
Her hearing is fully developed, and she responds best to high-pitched noises 

Maternity Clothes I got some awesome maternity jeans from my sister.  They fit so great and look just like normal jeans!  I love having sisters.  Thanks Lisa!
Gender: We are having a Girl! 
Movement: Lots of kicking and hiccuping still.  She is getting so big that the hiccups feel like big pops, usually down on my left side above my hip.  The kicking is very much up in my ribs, and sometimes it feels like she is just feeling around with her toes - pinching all my organs!

At the end of the day, or when I'm not feeling well, its easy to get a little irritated at the continuous kicking, but truly it is such a blessing to feel her move all the time, and not have to worry about our little sweetie.
Sleep: I've been getting plenty of sleep lately.  I got my flu shot this week, so last night I couldn't sleep on my right side at all.  My hip and shoulder were complaining when I got up this morning, but most nights I wake up feeling good.

Cravings: This week I've been craving fruit and chocolate.  Not necessarily together.  I'm glad to have some crisp apples back in the house, and I also bought peaches, perfectly ripe bananas and some dried dates (very sweet!).
Other crazy symptoms: Lots of Braxton Hicks.  They were pretty intense for about 3 days in a row, just tight tension in my stomach muscles, almost continuously.  So the contractions themselves were not painful, but the frequency and duration made them very uncomfortable, and it left me quite sore.  Finally I told my sister and she said I wasn't drinking enough water (not surprising, being me - Neil and my Mom are probably rolling their eyes reading this).  So I started chugging water and lo and behold things are SOO much better.  Thanks Karen for the tip!  
Best Moments this week:  
I went to the Dr yesterday and he said I'm dilated to a one, and I thought he said 80% effaced, but maybe he meant 20% effaced, 80% to go.  Anyway, he said that doesn't mean I'm about to go into labor or anything, but its just a really good sign for a 1st pregnancy that the baby is in the right position and everything is working properly!  Yea! I am so thankful for my Dr.  I trust him so much and feel so confident in his opinion.

Neil took me on a date Friday - dinner and a movie!  I guess we better stock up on those while we can!  

Neil's parents bought a house in OKC!  We are so excited to have them so close.  Hadley will be a frequent visitor at Gran and Granna's, as well as Grandma and Grandpa's!  What a blessed little girl :)