Saturday, August 8, 2009

5-Day-Super-Extravaganza-Anniversary Celebration Continued

Early the next morning we headed to the Fish Hatchery!  It was really cool.  They gave us a tour of the whole hatchery that is right by the dam at Table Rock lake.  They had all different sizes of trout at this hatchery.

They sorted the trout by size in different pools.  They had pool after pool of fish!  The trout in this pool (below) were about 10" long.  We got to feed the fish and they just dog piled over each other to get to the food!  The surface of the water looked like it was raining because all the little mouths were trying to get to the food first!

After the hatchery we went to Table Rock lake for a picnic lunch!

I love just sitting with Neil.  We have so much fun just doing nothing!

That afternoon we hit the outlet mall!  Wow we found some good deals and even started on our Christmas shopping!  

After the mall we went to Silver Dollar City!  If you go after 3pm you get the rest of that day and the whole next day for the price of just one day!  

We got there and jumped right on the Wild Fire!  It has all kinds of loops and cork-screws!  I thought I was so tough and even commented to Neil how cool it was that we both enjoy roller coasters!  Well I spoke too soon because as soon as we got off I felt sooo dizzy and then we had to take it easy for the rest of the time!  We only rode one other ride :(  Poor Neil!  He said that next time we will have to go with a couple so that they boys can ride and the girls can just hang out! lol

We saw lots of demonstrations, like glass blowing, knife sharpening and blacksmithing.  We also got to see the magic show, some cloggers and a cajun band!  We had a really fun time and made some wonderful memories for our first anniversary :)

Grow old with me, the best is yet to be!
(this sign says come, but its wrong! lol)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

5-Day-Super-Extravaganza-Anniversary Celebration

We had SUCH an amazing time on our anniversary trip!  It was awesome :)  On our way out of town we stopped at Busick State Conservation Area.  Neil wanted to check it out and see if it would make a good camp site in the future.  It was a really nice day and a beautiful park.  Neil got some really nice pictures!

We ended up going on about a 4 mile hike!  It was intense, uphill and down with a very rock terrain! 

For lunch we stopped by this little creek and waded in the cool water.  It feel so good on our hot tire feet.  We had packed a nice picnic and Neil gave me a sweet anniversary note.  How romantic!

We had the camera all set up to take this lover's shot, when suddenly I looked down and saw a crawdad!  Right in the water by my feet!  I scooted WAY back and yelled for Neil who was setting the timer on the camera!  He came running into the shot for the picture, oblivious to my yells about the crawdad!  When he finally saw what I was yelling about, he said it was too little to worry about and to just pose for the picture!  I on the other hand was too worried about my little toes getting pinched to pose for a picture!
Here is the result of that:

When we finished our hike we headed down to Branson, checked into our hotel and got rested and cleaned up for a big evening.  We went to dinner at Chili's and then to the Shepherd of the Hills play!  

By this time, Neil's knee was injured from our big hike and he had to hobble all over the Shepherd theatre, poor guy!  He still had a good attitude anyway :) 

The set of the Shepherd of the Hills is outside and they had livestock and a HUGE fire in one of the scenes!  Before the play started they had giant bullfrog races!  The audience was invited to get a frog and be the first to get their frog to jump outside of this big circle!  It was so funny!