But first, here are the amaryllis bulbs I bought last year, then had to unceremoniously un-pot in a hurry in the fall due to a surplus of pansies that had to be planted the night before we were leaving for Florida and we had run out of room to plant! So I threw the amaryllis bulbs out of their pots and tossed them in the garage and forgot about them. I found them this spring and stuck them in this bigger pot not knowing what to expect...
Here is Neil looking so triumphant! See the soaker hose coming out of the roots?
He also got a real lawn mower this year, instead of the reel lawn mower he had last year.
Much improved :)
Much improved :)
After that he had to make a new home for it. I call it a patio, he calls it a shed.
Ta Da! Isn't he so skilled :)
It has a fiber glass roof to keep the rain off and it also houses our wheel barrow! Great job Neil!
It has a fiber glass roof to keep the rain off and it also houses our wheel barrow! Great job Neil!