I told you I was excited, and for good reason too! My day of turning 25 started with Neil waking me up and asking if I wanted to come eat breakfast that he had made for me :) He also had me open a card

and my first present which was a devotional book called "pure praise" for us to read through together! I thought it was the perfect book for a worship pastor and his wife *smile*

Then I headed off to work and had a good day of describing roosters and then I expected to come home and go to church. Originally I thought I had work till 5, a meeting at 5:30, set up at 6 and church at 7. Well on tuesday night one of the ladies I was going to meet with called and canceled, which I was glad about so that I wouldn't be so rushed getting from work to church. Then I was able to leave work early on my birthday and when I got home, Neil was waiting for me with 25 pink roses!

Then he said, "here is the plan for tonight, I'm going to cook you dinner while you go get ready, then ... we'll open presents, I'm taking you to a movie and then out for dessert!" I was in shock that we weren't going to church! Then I started piecing together the canceled meeting and realized he had masterminded that as well! Sneaky sneaky!
My favorite restaurant is Johnny Carino's, but they don't have that in Springfield, so Neil made me my favorite dish from there, baked cheese tortellini!
Yum it was so good! He even set the table like an Italian restaurant would with a bread tray and olive oil with balsamic vinegar!

I tell you that boy is thoughtful! down to the smallest detail! Like all of my presents were wrapped with pink, my roses were pink, my card was pink and my drink at dinner was pink! He puts so much effort into making things special for me and it shows me so much that he loves me. So then I opened the presents from his parents, which were this beautiful jade green Tahari shirt and 6 ocean themed Eddie Bauer charms!

I could hardly wait to wear them!
They also got me a Parallel Bible which has two versions (NASB and The Message) side by side.
I've been wanting one of those bc I really enjoy reading from the Message, but I want to be sure that it is accurate and that I am getting the correct interpretation of the text. So this Bible is the perfect compromise!
My parents got me some Bare Minerals make-up and some lotion I had been wanting! I will celebrate with them when I visit in April.

I also got some beautiful cards from Mimi and Papa and my family and friends and oh my so many facebook messages! I just really felt loved and blessed!
Neil took me to see Bolt, the new Disney movie, it was cute :) he knows I love cartoons!

Then we went to Cheddars for a Cookie Monster which was so delicious!
When we got home I opened my other present from him, a Bamboo! No, not the plant, its a "notepad" for your computer. It comes with a pen and an electronic tablet that you can draw or write on and it is directly connected to your computer! I'm excited to use it to embellish photos and make all kinds of creative things that I couldn't do with a mouse :)

Wow this was such a wonderful birthday! The only was it could have been any better is if my family were with me too, I really missed them on this day in particular, but Neil and I had an amazing date and It was an incredible first married birthday!