How Far Along: 31 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 11 lbs (or 26 from my lowest low)
Baby Size: Pineapple (Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.)
- She's going through major brain and nerve development.
- Eye development, too. Her irises now react to light!
- All five of her senses are in working order.
Maternity Clothes: Neil
asked me on Saturday night if I had picked out my church outfit for the
next day. This is usually the part of my morning that takes the
longest, particularly now-a-days! I said yes, thinking I would do a
repeat from a few weeks ago - WRONG! I put it on the next morning and
found out that it no longer fits! Its amazing how fast my body is
changing now :)
Gender: We are having a Girl!
Still moving all the time! I saw a picture of the baby in the womb
this morning and realized how very little space she has in there! It
seems like she is moving or has the hiccups all the time, but really, if
I can feel every move she makes, she moves a lot less than I do!
Sleep: Sleep is going pretty good still - trying to stock up on it while I can!
Cravings: If I wrote ice cream and ovaltine every week, I still don't think it would truly express how much I eat/desire these two items! We bought a gallon of milk on Friday and I was already having to ration it by Monday. Wednesday we were completely out, and I had to send Neil to the store Thursday b/c I was having withdrawls! Hopefully Hadley will have strong bones at least :)
Other crazy symptoms: I think I have arthritis. My joints - particularly in my hands - feel really stiff and my hands feel full of fluid, even though they don't look swollen - just vascular.
Nicole & Colt came over and spent Thursday morning with me! They brought a delicious lunch and we crafted and played - it was so much fun!
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