Thursday, May 31, 2012

17 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 17 weeks
Total Weight Gain: minus 10 lbs

Baby Size: Onion (about 5.1 inches, 5.9 oz.)

Maternity Clothes: I've been out of the house!  I wore a comfy skirt, a high waisted dress and even found a pair of shorts that still fit great!

Gender: Had some weird dreams this week.  In one of them Rick (our pastor) said that he could read ultrasound photos and we were having twins! A boy and a girl!  I woke up thinking it was real, then went back to sleep and dreamed that same night that we were having just one baby and it was a girl. 

Movement: Not yet, but could be any time now!
Sleep: I'm still having side sleeping woes.  My hips are aggravating me.  But I'm sleeping plenty, just waking up frequently. 
What I miss: I don't miss much of anything right now!  I'm feeling better than I have in months and I'm able to do things too!  I'm even happy to be gaining weight and getting a belly :)

Cravings: I still want ice cream morning noon and night - but that isn't really any different than any other non pregnant day - haha

Other crazy symptoms:  Maybe nesting?  Is it time for that yet?  I have this overwhelming desire to organize and get rid of stuff...

Best Moments this week: Another great week!
- I went to church on Sunday - it was incredible to get to see so many people, and my dress showed of my little baby bump too :)
- We made a brief trip to the mall and Target.  I got some maternity panties (thanks Mother in Law!)
- I finished my quilt (pictures to come soon)
- I started cleaning the office
- Justin and Kimberly came to spend the night.  It was a last minute plan, but we had a great time anyway!  We got Cheddar's to go and Andy's.  We sat on the porch on a beautiful summer night and played some fun games!  I hope we can still be somewhat spontaneous after the baby comes :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

16 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 16 weeks

Total Weight Gain: minus 12 lbs.  I was a little concerned that I'm not gaining weight yet, but my Dr said the baby is growing just fine and right on track.  He said I would probably start gaining weight soon.

Baby Size: Avocado

Maternity Clothes: Just one pair of pants.  I would probably need a couple more if I was getting out of the house much.

Gender: Still thinking boy!

Movement: Not yet, but could be any time now!
Sleep: Sleeping is still going good.  I have been trying to sleep on my side all along, because I have just heard that it is better.  But I was reading this week that if you aren't already sleeping on your side, week 16 is the turning point to end the back sleeping.  Back sleeping puts extra pressure on the blood supply going to the baby, and can deprive them of nutrients, endangering the baby's well-being! Woah!  So of course ever since then I've been extra cautious about it, and now I can't get comfortable on my side and only want to lay on my back - which causes a lot of tossing and turning. 
What I miss: Jumping up and doing whatever I want.  After my doctor appointment yesterday Neil and I made a quick trip to walmart.  No big deal right? Wrong.  In the last three months I have made exactly 3 trips out of the house that weren't doctor related.  Two trips to church, and one to buy a dresser for the baby off craig's list (I must have been having a really good day).  This was my first trip out of the house all month, and my first time to go to walmart since March.  I started out strong - it felt so good to be back in the real world!  We even walked through the baby section and I almost teared up!  My first time seeing all those sweety tiny baby things and actually having a need for them!  
After shopping for a bit longer, I had to ask Neil to walk slower, and slower... my legs just didn't want to work.  I was tempted to sit in the cart!  Finally Neil started dashing down the aisles to grab our stuff, leaving me at the end so we could hurry up our shopping and get out of there!  After we got home I just stayed on the couch all night, and today my legs and feet are sore.  Who knew walmart was such a workout!?
Cravings: Minestrone soup - I've been eating that quite a bit.  Sometimes with a grilled cheese!  I hope I will start wanting fresh vegetables again soon because I really enjoy crisp salads in the summer time!

Other crazy symptoms:  I've been having quite a bit of lower abdomen cramping as things stretch out and get bigger.

Oh yeah: I've officially got "the baby brain".  I triple checked my appointment card for my doctor's visit yesterday and it clearly read 2:40.  It was even posted right on the fridge so I couldn't miss it.  I started getting ready real early because I didn't want to be late.  Then, about 1:50 I saw a different reminder card in our room.  It read "5-23-12, 1:00".  I read it again.  Then again.  I counted up the months and sure enough 5=May.  Then I thought, why do I have two reminder cards for May?  I raced to the kitchen to check the other card and as I did I heard my cell phone chirping that I've missed a call.  My heart sank.  Sure enough, when I get to the kitchen the reminder on the fridge is for April.  Boooo.  If we had to reschedule this appointment then it would push back our much anticipated ultrasound visit next time as well.

We quickly called the doctor's office and they were very kind and understanding and they said, come on in, we will squeeze you in anyway!  Whoohooo!

Best Moments this week: Oh my gracious - soo many good moments this week
- Amanda and Kimberly came by for a visit - and brought Andy's custard!
- Neil took me for a (short) walk in the neighborhood (branching out from our loops around the backyard!)
- I painted my nails
- I fixed my hair and did my make up and wore a skirt to my dr's apt!!  Neil said I looked so good, the dr probably wouldn't give me a new prescription for my medicine - haha
- Hearing the baby's heart beat again :)  still in the 150's.  The baby was moving around a lot this time and the nurse had to work to keep up with the heart beat!
- Neil put out three bird feeders for me to watch the happy activity in the back yard!  We have so many pretty birds here, bright yellow finches, happy rosy robins, little hopping sparrows, cooing doves and every once in a while a hint of a red cardinal!

- I've been working on getting ready for our "gender reveal extravaganza!" Since we didn't get to announce our pregnancy in the fun way I wanted, we are trying to do some fun things for the gender reveal.  We are hoping to send a special surprise in the mail to Neil's parents and grandparents, run down to OKC and have a little party, then have a party/hangout/summer dinner here in Springfield with our friends.  Watermelon may or may not be involved. 
All this "It's a Boy/It's a Girl" planning has me and Neil quoting this old commercial:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

15 Week Bumpdate

 How Far Along: 15 weeks

Total Weight Gain: minus 14 lbs

Baby Size: Apple

Maternity Clothes: Not so much.  I have convinced myself I am getting a little belly though.

Gender: I still think we are having a boy, but I can't stop thinking about ruffles and bow and little girl toes!

Movement: Not yet!
Sleep: I sleep great! 
What I miss: Eating whatever is in front of me.  I never considered myself a picky/finicky eater.  But now-a-days it seems like only one thing sounds good and I rarely know what it is.  I just know I'm hungry.  Which lets me and Neil play a fun (not) little guessing game.
Cravings: I've been eating ice cream everyday.  And raisin bread.

Other crazy symptoms: Lots of headaches.  I think they stem from clenching my jaw unconsciously.  I also think its crazy that I usually wake up feeling good and spend most of the day feeling ok - its the evenings that give me trouble.  I guess I have evening sickness.  And there are days of all day sickness.  But those are starting to thin out I think!

Best Moments this week: Celebrating Mother's Day!  I'll tell you a secret, Neil bought me a Mother's Day present last year! Just because he is a sweetie. It was a bird feeder.  Some people may not think you should celebrate mother's day until the baby is actually here, but Neil has always been in the habit of spoiling me.  And this year he said I am already doing hard work making this baby.  He got me a luxurious body pillow - something I've been wanting :) and some hanging baskets for me to enjoy through the window while I am couch bound. Neil's parents sent me a Target gift card (maternity clothes here I come!). I also got some beautiful flowers from my sweet friend Nicole and Amanda brought us dinner!  I have the best family and friends!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Not Exactly the Bee's Knees

Neil headed outside this morning to put the mail in the mailbox, and came hurrying back inside walking all stiffly and acting like he had gotten ice water poured down his back!  I asked him what was wrong, and he said "there are bees out there!"  Neil hates flying things that sting, so I thought he was probably just being a little dramatic.  He insisted that there was a swarm in our tree.  I looked out the front window and couldn't see anything but our normal green maple.  I decided he must be seeing a bunch of dead leaves or something and deciding it was a hive. He said, "no - go outside".


Wowza.  That is all I have to say.  Gives me the heebie jeebies!  

Neil snapped these shots and we ran inside to decide what to do.  I've been hearing so much about how bees are becoming endangered and how we need the bees for pollination and gardens and produce, so I hated to just call an exterminator.  We googled "Bee swarm removal" and found a great little website, Bees-on-the-net.  The listed several bee keepers/removers in our area and we found one through the Ozarks Honey Company that said they will remove swarms fast, friendly and free!  Can't beat that!  We emailed them this morning with pictures and hope to be bee free very soon!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

14 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 14 weeks

Total Weight Gain: minus 13 lbs

Baby Size: Fist Size

Maternity Clothes: I've rediscovered my robes!  A bit of a cold front came through this week (by that I mean it only gets up to 70 each day which means I have to wear a jacket when I sit on the swing b/c I'm a weenie) so I have been snuggling in my plush white Christmas robe each morning.  I also have a short silky summertime robe that I use quite a bit.

Gender: I have NO idea!  On the same day this week, Neil and I both separately came to the realization that we are so overjoyed to be having a child, we will be ecstatic with either a boy or a girl.  I guess we knew that all along, we were just caught up in curiosity and our need to know what it is right now! It was a soothing thought, compared to the back of my mind worries like "what if I don't know what to do with a boy" or "what if this girl is a crazy as I was in middle school?" 
We should find out sometime around Father's Day - in around 6 or 7 weeks.  In the mean time, its still fun to guess though ;) 

Movement: Not yet! I've laid really still at night a few times to see if I could feel something, but nothing yet.  I've got a few more weeks to go.
Sleep: I'm still guilty of couch sleeping.  I'm trying to get better at this because Neil hates going to be by himself.  He cleans up all my left over drink glasses from the day, gets me some new water, takes my caddy of medicine and electronics into the room for me, refills and turns on my humidifier and leaves my lamp on so I can find my way to bed!  And how do I repay him?  By dragging my way to bed hours after he's fallen asleep (having to deal with my lamp light shining in his eyes), and then waking up hours before him in the morning and staring at him and kissing him until he rolls over!  Poor man!
What I miss: I had a bit of a panic last night wondering if I would remember how to put on make up and fix my hair.  Seriously people, its been 7 weeks.  And its probably been 3 weeks since I've even brushed my hair.  The last time I remember that happening was when my mom was here and she brushed it for me.  I think I need to try a little harder, but its hard enough to take a shower and wash my hair.  Plus its so short it pretty well falls into place, so I can just run my fingers through it.  I'm not entering any beauty competitions, and Neil still tells me I'm lovely, so I guess we are doing ok!
Cravings: Never in my life have I craved a cold cut sandwich like I have been this week - which of course would be the case once I'm not supposed to eat them.  My mom makes the best sandwiches.  There seems to be something magical about her's because even when I make them the same way with the same ingredients, they never taste as good as when I get a bite of her's.  
I've also been eating a lot of fruit compote this week, which is an invention of my father-in-law.  You heat up frozen mixed berries, then add plain (or in my case french vanilla) yogurt and walnuts.  He adds honey too, but I don't since I use the sweetened yogurt.  Oh it is so good!  All creamy and fresh and warm and crisp from the nuts.  Its also good cold if you thaw the berries first.

Other crazy symptoms: I don't seem to be able to monitor my temperature well.  I get hot flashes and cold swings all the time - hence the robes.  I've also been really frigid at night, which it has been cooler here lately - in the 40's - and with my humidifier blowing on me I get extra chilled.  So I've started putting my big fluffy robe on over my quilt like an extra blanket, while Neil sleeps with only the sheet and his quilt thrown aside in the middle of the bed.  Well the other night I forgot to bring my big comfy robe back from the living room, and I got so cold during the night with only my thin quilt.  There was Neil's quilt in the middle of the bed - like it had been all week - so I pulled it over me as well.  Wouldn't you know it, that was the night HE woke up cold and wanted it!  But after discovering that I was using it, he didn't take it back!  He just snuck his toes under and suffered through!  When I asked him the next morning why he didn't take it back, since I had two quilts and he had none, he said - well we have to keep the mama and the baby warm!  He is one in a million!!

Best Moments this week: I have had two really good days in a row!  That is HUGE for me!  I've also been able to hug Neil like a normal person this week, instead of side hugs or me laying down while he hugs me goodbye, or me hunch-backing around while he tries to hug me.  Sometimes I stand on the fireplace to hug him (or I used to) so we would be the same height.  I did that this week and he declared that my belly was poking him!  I don't think I'm really showing yet, but my belly is very hard!  Apparently he can tell a difference, and that is encouraging :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

13 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 13 weeks

Total Weight Gain: minus 15 lbs
Baby Size: Peach

Maternity Clothes: I'm so comfy in pajamas lol.  This warm weather is very nice too - I hate being cold!

Gender: Started thinking about baby girls A LOT this week.  I don't know if I've quite convinced myself that we are having one, but its been on my mind!

Movement: Not yet!
Sleep: I'm sleeping really good.  Its been raining a lot, and I always sleep deeply when it rains.  I've started falling asleep on the couch again around 9:00, then dragging myself to bed sometime after midnight.
What I miss: This week I missed Karen's baby shower.  I was too sick to feel like going shopping, so my sister Lori offered to let me go in on a diaper bag with her and she took care of the rest!  It was such a relief for me.  Then the day of the shower Neil said, oh no, we didn't pick out a present for Kenny and Karen!  I said, yes I did, we got them a diaper bag.  He was surprisingly disappointed that he didn't get to help consult with the gift.  Ordinarily he wouldn't care about baby gifts, but since he is such good friends with Kenny, it was more important to him.  So he went online and sent them a 2nd gift so he could have a part in it! - he is so thoughtful :)  Congratulations Karen and Kenny!  We can't wait to meet McKenna!
Cravings: Neil made this incredible chicken tetrazzini and I have been eating that about 7 times a day!  Its the first time that I've asked for seconds and even thirds!  Chicken tetrazzini reminds me of one of my favorite cartoons as a kid, Rangers of Brownstone park.  Here's a clip its kind of a long clip, but it brings back so many memories for me!  The part I'm referring to begins around 4:15.

Other crazy symptoms: Neil got me some lemon drops that I've been sucking on morning, noon and night.  It has really helped the coughing a lot! I've still got a super heightened sense of smell, I'm wondering if this will last for the whole pregnancy, or if it will fade with the nausea (I hope!).

Best Moments this week: Sitting outside on the porch swing - I don't go outside a whole lot nowadays and I really miss going for walks in this beautiful weather.