This weekend, Neil's life long friend Marty came up to visit us! We had a full weekend. He came up Thursday when we were both at work (poor guy!) so there was no one home to greet him! Then he went to the church to hang out with Neil, but since Neil leads worship practice on Thursday nights, so he had to get ready for that. When I got to the church Neil was practicing with the band and Marty was reading his book! So we headed on home and started dinner for Neil.
(yes, Neil is carrying my purse)
I like hanging out with Marty. He and I clicked easily from the first time I met him. It feels like he and Neil are brothers because they grew up together and even when Neil moved to New Mexico, they still stayed close and went on family vacations together.
Since Neil and Marty are both men of the kitchen, I was sittin' pretty for the whole weekend!
They cooked for me, we went out to eat several times, I had two boys opening the door for me and we even went antique shopping!
Can you believe that?! I think Marty should come visit more often *laugh*
Last week, Neil and I received a huge blessing in the way of an entertainment center! A couple from our church had recently moved here from California and they have found that their furniture doesn't fit in this house like it did in their other house, just because of the difference of sizing in the rooms etc. They called us and said that they were going to be getting rid of their entertainment center because it was "competing with their fireplace" and would we be interested in it. I immediately thought - oh no, its 'competing' with their fireplace? Dear me, this must be mammoth and gaudy! I told Neil, don't get your hopes up! It is probably huge and ugly or else why would they want to give it away?
Not to mention that after countless shopping trips and many measurements Neil and I had finally pieced together an entertainment center that was not very expensive and that we were happy with.

We went to their house to see it with low expectations. I was trying to get Neil to work out a signal with me so that if it was questionable we could alert the other that we weren't pleased without saying a word.
I was overwhelmed when I saw it - it was so beautiful! This set is the kind of center we wanted but would never have been able to afford! And even way down the road when we might have been able to afford it, I can guarantee that the frugal Oldham's would not have justified buying such an expensive piece!
So on Friday (with our newly acquired man power) we went to get the entertainment center. We borrowed a truck from Simmond's Loan and Trust (not a bank, just our awesome neighbors!) The boys did such a great job being so careful not to scratch anything (the truck or the furniture)! We got it home and they set to work unhooking all the wires from the old set and plugging them into the new one!
It was a lot of work - for them! Thats right, I was sittin' pretty again! *smile*
When we finally got it all in place I told Neil, ya know I kinda think its competing with our fireplace as well. He quickly reassured me, there's no competition - The entertainment center has won!
It looks wonderful. It already has green grass growing out the top. *grin*
It's so beautiful! We both love it. Glad you had Marty come for the weekend, too.
Oh oh oh!! The entertainment center is SO glorious!! :) I love that dark wood color, it just fits perfectly, what a blessing!
I'm glad Marty was there to help you move it. It sounds like you guys had a LOT of fun!
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