Friday, December 21, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

38 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 38 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  20 lbs (or 35 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Pumpkin (Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.)

Baby might have an inch or so of hair already.
Her head is now about the same circumference as her abdomen. 

Maternity Clothes Comfort is key nowadays.  We are making it just fine - I stay in pajamas most of the day, which I'm sure Neil loves.  Ah what a glamorous wife he has ;)
Gender: We are having a Girl! 
Movement: Movement seems to have slowed down some.  I still feel her quite often throughout the day, but she is more sluggish than before.  Hardly any sharp kicks, just lazy rolls (and hiccups).  She is running out of room!
Sleep: Sleep is a little more uncomfortable.  My stomach is so big that when I lay on my side, it curves in where my waist used to be (aligned with my rib cage), and then bumps back up an inch or two where the baby is.  I guess there isn't any room for her to press down into the bed, so she gets hoisted up into the air!  So there is the stomach bumping, and the night time bathroom visits (about 2 per night), the weird dreams, & random cramps and aches - usually in my stomach.  I also can't roll over without a lot of conscious effort, so anytime my body is tired of laying in one position, I wake up automatically to hoist myself over to the other side!  I will enjoy sleeping on my stomach again one day :)

Cravings: I've started craving fruit again - big time.  Strawberries, bananas, pineapple, peaches - they all sound delicious!  I want some fruit salad!  I read this week that pineapple can help induce labor, but that it contains so little of whatever causes the inducement, that you would need to eat about 7 whole pineapples before it affected you :)
Other crazy symptoms: Before I was pregnant, I had no idea how much your core muscles just don't function like they used to when you are pregnant.  Its so hard to get up off the couch or out of bed.  I always assumed, when observing pregnant women in the past, that it was due to the amount of weight they had gained, and the big ball of a belly, that prevented them from leaning forward to stand up easily.  Now I know that your stomach just doesn't work!  I have to use my arms and legs and rocking motions to swing myself up!

I've started having a bit of swelling.  If you didn't know what my feet used to look like, you probably wouldn't notice, but I sure do.  They tingle at the end of the day, and my shoes are even tighter than last week.  It seems like my left side swells a little more than my right.  I used to have visible tendons on the top of my feet and now they are just puffed right over.

Best Moments this week:  
I went to the Dr yesterday and he said everything is looking great!  He confirmed that I am 80-90% effaced (my cervix has thinned way down), and the baby's head is very low already, so all that is left is dilation.  He said this should help my labor to go faster (who knows how much faster) because a lot of the work that some people do in labor is effacement - and I've already got that done!  Hurray!
We took a few more maternity pictures, this time at a local park.  I can't believe how talented Neil is with a camera!  Many of the people who saw them assumed that we had a professional do them.  I said, yes - my professional husband took them :)

Neil's parents are coming up tonight to be here for the big day!  I can hardly believe it is almost time!  It seems so surreal.  Neil and I fluctuate between extreme excitement and extreme nervousness.  Say a prayer for us if you think of it :)

And just for fun - here is a little side by side of my pregnancy progression: 15 weeks, 28 and 38 weeks!

15 Weeks

28 Weeks

38 Weeks

There is a chance this could be my last bumpdate!  Neil and I are tentatively expecting the baby to come on Tuesday (Oct 30th) for three *scientific* reasons:

1. There is a full moon on Monday
2. Karen's baby this summer was born about 5 days early, so we may be a couple days early
3. Neil said most 1st time moms go into labor in the 39th week.

So we shall see!  We may just as likely be 2 weeks late as 3 days early, but we're trying to be prepared either way :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

37 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 37 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  20 lbs (or 35 from my lowest low) - I gained 3 lbs this week!  I actually squeaked about the big change while standing on the scale in front of the nurse, and she and I both watched as the number jumped even higher!  She laughed and said - you shouldn't have said anything! 

Baby Size: Winter Melon (Average size: 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.)
Get excited. At 37 weeks, your baby has reached full term. That means she’s developed his most crucial functions. Of course, she’ll get even healthier and stronger over the next few weeks, so don’t get too impatient. Around week 37, many moms-to-be find themselves organizing cupboards and scrubbing their floors. That’s the nesting instinct kicking in as your body senses baby will be here shortly. It also might be your brain’s way of making sure you’re prepared for just about anything, so you can feel like you have an extra edge on this whole new parent thing.

Maternity Clothes My shoes aren't fitting well anymore.  My feet don't really look swollen and the Dr. always says I'm looking good swelling wise.  It feels like my feet are a size bigger, or maybe just wider.  It doesn't bother me most the time, since I'm barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen ;) but Sunday mornings are a bit of a challenge.

Gender: We are having a Girl! Still! lol  I sometimes feel worried that the ultrasounds were deceiving and we will actually end up with a boy - wouldn't that be a big adjustment!?!
Movement: She is still hiccuping all the time!  Only now she does it with her back against my belly making them humongous and body jolting!  I have also been able to feel little body parts more prominently than before, like a sharp little heel or knee pressing out.  Neil can even recognize them from the outside.
Sleep: Sleep has been going good.  I have been getting up about 2 times a night now.  Thank goodness for our motion sensor nightlight in the bathroom.  It would be terrible to have to turn on the bright light and fully wake up each time!

Cravings: Still craving sweets but I'm trying to get control. 
Other crazy symptoms: The gallbladder pain hasn't bothered me at all this week, so I wonder if it was just some rich food. What he said about bruised organs makes total sense.  I have been trying to sit up so straight to give that area a rest and I think it has been helping my other aches as well.  I haven't had much issues with muscle cramping.  A few times in the morning when I stretch my calves or feet act like they kinda want to cramp, but I quickly relax and so far so good.

Best Moments this week:  Time is going by so fast!  Its hard to keep up with what is happening when.  This month is pastor appreciation month, and our senior group at church took all the pastors out to lunch Tuesday.  This was the first time I've been able to go - since I'm usually at work.  It is such a blessing to have a loving church family!
Neil and I took some maternity pictures - at the cemetery of all places!  They have some beautiful old trees there, grassy areas and a pretty white gazebo.
Neil and I are continuing to cross things off our to-do list, slowly but surely!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

36 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 36 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  17 lbs (or 32 from my lowest low) - no gain this week!  I made up for my 2 lbs last week I guess

Baby Size:
Honeydew (Average size: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 lb
  • She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own.
  • Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid.
  • Her liver and kidneys are in working order.
  • Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.

Maternity Clothes This week I refashioned a sweater into a cardigan!  I love it so much and wear it quite often.
Gender: We are having a Girl! 
Movement: My poor baby is running out of room!  She simultaneously pushes on all sides of my belly!  She is getting so strong :)
Sleep: The sleeping part is fine, and I get to go to sleep and wake up when I want to most days which is super helpful to my tired old body.  I can't imagine having to go to work at this point - I think I would be worthless by the end of the day.  As it is I'm about out of energy after 8:00 and usually just sit on the couch until I fall asleep or go to bed!

Cravings: Never in the whole pregnancy have I craved sweets like I do right now.  I bought and ate a whole bag of peanut M&M's in no time flat.  That is in addition to my ovaltine and icecream.  I better watch out - now is an easy time to pack on the pounds - and I sure don't want to when I'm so close to being done!
Other crazy symptoms: I've been having some weird pain - usually in the middle of the night - that feels like my organs are being crushed by a tight band around my stomach just below my ribs.  I thought it might be braxton hicks, but the muscles aren't tight at all during the pain.  Then I thought it could be heartburn, but why would that start after 5 hours of sleep?  I talked to my dr about it and he said it was either just that my organs are bruised from being pinched between my ribs and the baby, or it could be my gallbladder!  I do think I have some bruising, but that doesn't describe the intenseness of the pain - its like I'm going to pass out!  And it only lasts for 5 minutes or so, and then fades away.  I guess gallbladder issues range in severity, so we will reassess after the pregnancy.  He said it could just be that I ate some rich food that night and caused my gallbladder to act up, or it could be a more permanent problem requiring surgery, but we wouldn't do surgery until after the pregnancy!  Talk about freak me out!  I think he was just listing worse case scenarios, so he said just keep an eye on it for now.
Best Moments this week:  
I was pretty bummed after my dr's apt - I'm not sure what got me upset - it wasn't really the gallbladder thing, I think it was just a bunch of small things added together and pregnancy moodiness.  Anyway, when Neil came home from work he surprised me with some beautiful mums and two little pumpkins!  I put them on the porch and they make me happy everyday :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

35 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  17 lbs (or 32 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Coconut (Average size: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 lb)
My uterus has grown about 1,000 times its original size
Her hearing is fully developed, and she responds best to high-pitched noises 

Maternity Clothes I got some awesome maternity jeans from my sister.  They fit so great and look just like normal jeans!  I love having sisters.  Thanks Lisa!
Gender: We are having a Girl! 
Movement: Lots of kicking and hiccuping still.  She is getting so big that the hiccups feel like big pops, usually down on my left side above my hip.  The kicking is very much up in my ribs, and sometimes it feels like she is just feeling around with her toes - pinching all my organs!

At the end of the day, or when I'm not feeling well, its easy to get a little irritated at the continuous kicking, but truly it is such a blessing to feel her move all the time, and not have to worry about our little sweetie.
Sleep: I've been getting plenty of sleep lately.  I got my flu shot this week, so last night I couldn't sleep on my right side at all.  My hip and shoulder were complaining when I got up this morning, but most nights I wake up feeling good.

Cravings: This week I've been craving fruit and chocolate.  Not necessarily together.  I'm glad to have some crisp apples back in the house, and I also bought peaches, perfectly ripe bananas and some dried dates (very sweet!).
Other crazy symptoms: Lots of Braxton Hicks.  They were pretty intense for about 3 days in a row, just tight tension in my stomach muscles, almost continuously.  So the contractions themselves were not painful, but the frequency and duration made them very uncomfortable, and it left me quite sore.  Finally I told my sister and she said I wasn't drinking enough water (not surprising, being me - Neil and my Mom are probably rolling their eyes reading this).  So I started chugging water and lo and behold things are SOO much better.  Thanks Karen for the tip!  
Best Moments this week:  
I went to the Dr yesterday and he said I'm dilated to a one, and I thought he said 80% effaced, but maybe he meant 20% effaced, 80% to go.  Anyway, he said that doesn't mean I'm about to go into labor or anything, but its just a really good sign for a 1st pregnancy that the baby is in the right position and everything is working properly!  Yea! I am so thankful for my Dr.  I trust him so much and feel so confident in his opinion.

Neil took me on a date Friday - dinner and a movie!  I guess we better stock up on those while we can!  

Neil's parents bought a house in OKC!  We are so excited to have them so close.  Hadley will be a frequent visitor at Gran and Granna's, as well as Grandma and Grandpa's!  What a blessed little girl :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

34 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 34 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  15 lbs (or 30 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Butternut Squash (Average size: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 lb)

Maternity Clothes: Things are going good clothing wise.  I'm getting a chance to be a little creative here as I get bigger and bigger and the last few weeks of summer are still hanging on.
Gender: We are having a Girl! 
Movement: One night when a lot of kicking was happening, Neil tried to sneak over to feel her move.  He put just his fingertips lightly on my belly, since she seems to know when he comes and usually stops kicking.  Sure enough, she knew he was near and got real still.  We laid there a while hoping she would start back up again, but she didn't.  The Neil said, "Hadley, do you want me to play you some 'Sweet Baby James'?"  She immediately kicked a big kick - Yes!  Neil hopped right up and turned on James Taylor.  She kicked and kicked the whole time the song was on.  I guess we have a James Taylor girl :)
Sleep: Sleep has been going good.  I did wake up with a major side cramp the other day.  I was sure I was going into labor!  As I rolled out of bed in the morning, I must have tweaked a nerve or something.  Intense pain shot through my side and back!  I hopped up and started frantically pacing the room.  Nothing I did seemed to help!  I was starting to feel faint - the pain was so intense!  I thought about calling for Neil, but he was soaking wet in the shower.  I could just picture me calling for him and him freaking out and rushing to save me - water flying everywhere.
I wisely decided that their wasn't much Neil could do to help me, and it would only result in him freaking out (and possibly slipping and dying on his way out of the shower), and then dripping all over me as I moaned in pain! lol 
I remembered from our Labor and Delivery class that getting on your hands and knees can help relieve back pain during labor.  So I jumped to the floor to try that method, and in my haste I hit my head on the bed frame - ouch! 
Finally I decided the best I had felt was when I was in bed, so I crawled back in there and got my body twisted around so I stretched those side muscles and miraculously the pain stopped! 

Cravings: Just the old standbys - Ovaltine, Ice Cream and Cereal.
Other crazy symptoms: Other than muscle spasms ;) not much is new!  Surprisingly I'm sleeping well, and not having much swelling (if any).  I have noticed more Braxton Hicks Contractions this week - my whole stomach just gets so tight!
Best Moments this week: We took our last two pregnancy classes, Labor and Delivery and a Breastfeeding class.  They were both so helpful and very informative.  We can't wait for our girl to get here!
Neil's friends Marcus and Christine came to visit us for the weekend.  We had such a good time - the nature reserve, Andy's, games and more! 
Our church threw us a wonderful baby shower!  There were soo many people there - Neil and I were overwhelmed!  Hadley is one blessed little girl.  Now that all our showers are over, we can start going through our registry to see what else we will need before the baby comes.  We only have two weeks till our self imposed deadline of having everything ready :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

33 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 33 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  13 lbs (or 28 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Durian Fruit (Average size: 17.2-18.7 inches, 4.2-5.8 lb)

I don't know what that is - here is a picture!
  • She's keeping her eyes open while awake.
  • She's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.
  • Her bones are hardening.
  • And she's going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby!

Maternity Clothes: I can't believe we are officially in the 9th month!  It feels so surreal.  Two more weeks and it will be October!  This baby will be here before we know it!  I'm going to try to make it the rest of the pregnancy without buying more clothes, because after all, we only have such a short time left!

Gender: We are having a Girl! 
Movement: Sunday morning during church my stomach started going wild again!  It was rolling with waves of kicks and bouncing back and fourth (apparently she liked the sermon!).  I didn't attempt to get Neil's attention this week, but just enjoyed my belly and giggled to myself.  He heard me giggling and looked over.  "Woah! Holy Cow!" were his next words!  So we both stared at my belly.  Then the guy sitting on the other side of me heard Neil's exclamations and looked over!  He was equally as shocked!  So we all three stared at Hadley's kicks and wiggles for about 2 minutes!  What a strong girl :)
Sleep: Been sleeping good.  I really missed my maternity pillow while I was in OKC.  I would say I would have to start traveling with it, but we shouldn't be going out of town again before the baby comes.  Plus I think it would fill up half the car by itself!

Cravings: I have really been enjoying some sweet crisp apples lately.  I mix up peanut butter and honey and dip the apple slices in.  It is so good!  And pretty healthy too :)

Other crazy symptoms: Is there such a thing as pregnancy allergies?  I think I am allergic to ragweed, but I never have been before.  Very weird.
Best Moments this week: 
We went to OKC to visit my family for the last time before the baby comes (ICan'tBelieveIt!).  We had such a wonderful trip.  My mom helped save me from a quilt crisis and my sisters got to see Hadley move/feel her hiccuping!

My sisters threw me a glorious shower with all my friends from OKC.  It was Ice Cream Sundae themed and we had so much fun!  Every little detail was perfect from the ice cream and millions of toppings, to the crystal candy bowls, ice cream cone decorations, hair bow making station and a little clothes line to hang the baby clothes on after they were opened for all to see!  I'll share some pictures once I get them :)

We had our first class at the hospital - BabySense.  It was really good and covered a lot of topics from diapering to bathing, car seats and infant safety.  Next week we have a couple more classes.  Hope we will be prepared for at least some of the things living with a baby will bring!

I finished my stencil!  FINALLY!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

32 Week Bumpdate

How Far Along: 32 weeks

Total Weight Gain:  12 lbs (or 27 from my lowest low)

Baby Size:
Squash (Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.)

    Maternity Clothes: Its starting to feel a little like fall! Its fun to pull out long sleeved shirts and jeans and experience some of my maternity clothes that were too warm before :)

    Gender: We are having a Girl! 
    Movement: Movin' and a groovin'.  Don't know why I just wrote that.  Sunday at church she started moving like a shark under water and I could see my whole belly moving!  I tried to descretely tap Neil's arm to get his attention, because if she knows that I know that she is kicking, she will stop!  Also if she knows daddy is looking she will stop!  What a silly.  So I tap tap tapped on Neil's arm and he didn't notice.  So I tried again -

    Tap tap tap.


    By the time I finally got his attention, she had stopped moving - boo!
    Sleep: Sleep is going well.  My dreams have calmed down some.  I did dream the other night that we had the baby and brought her home.  For some reason we left her in her car seat to sleep through the night.  When I woke up the next morning, I realized that I had slept through the night and not heard her cry even once.  So then I was in a panic, thinking I had slept through her crying and she was distraught.  I went over to the car seat to check on her, and she was just sitting there happy as can be, looking right at me!

    Cravings: I've been eating a LOT of cereal lately.  Its just so good and crunchy and milky and easy :)

    Other crazy symptoms: I can tell I have to go to the bathroom more than I did before.  I still only have to get up once each night, which is pretty lucky I think.  My sister said she was getting up 4+ times a night at the end!
    Best Moments this week: 
    My friends gave me the best surprise on Saturday!  They tricked me into thinking I was just going to lunch with Amanda and Abi, but actually all my friends were waiting for me at the cutest little restaurant!  It was all decorated shabby chic and my friends got me purple flowers and cake pops that match the nursery colors :)  They overwhelmed me with presents and love and I am so thankful to have them in my life - my Missouri family!

    I've been sewing up a storm.  I made some burp clothes and attempted to do another rag quilt (my mom will have to bail me out of this one - oops!)  I also made some little toys and I have hopes of making some paci clips.

    The women's group at church started this week!  I am looking forward to spending some time with some wonderful ladies :)

    We went to the doctor and he said everything is looking just great!  I mentioned that she has been hiccuping a lot and he said that hiccups are a really good sign of brain development and then he said "I think God gives baby's hiccups to test out their little diaphragm and make sure everything is working right before they are born and need to use it to breath".  I was overwhelmed!  How lucky we are to have a good christian doctor - who isn't afraid to talk about God and acknowledge that he is the one that creates life!

    Saturday, September 8, 2012

    31 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 31 weeks

    Total Weight Gain:  11 lbs (or 26 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Pineapple (Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.)
    • She's going through major brain and nerve development.
    • Eye development, too. Her irises now react to light!
    • All five of her senses are in working order.
    Maternity Clothes: Neil asked me on Saturday night if I had picked out my church outfit for the next day.  This is usually the part of my morning that takes the longest, particularly now-a-days!  I said yes, thinking I would do a repeat from a few weeks ago - WRONG!  I put it on the next morning and found out that it no longer fits!  Its amazing how fast my body is changing now :)

    Gender: We are having a Girl! 
    Movement: Still moving all the time!  I saw a picture of the baby in the womb this morning and realized how very little space she has in there!  It seems like she is moving or has the hiccups all the time, but really, if I can feel every move she makes, she moves a lot less than I do!
    Sleep: Sleep is going pretty good still - trying to stock up on it while I can!

    Cravings: If I wrote ice cream and ovaltine every week, I still don't think it would truly express how much I eat/desire these two items!  We bought a gallon of milk on Friday and I was already having to ration it by Monday.  Wednesday we were completely out, and I had to send Neil to the store Thursday b/c I was having withdrawls!  Hopefully Hadley will have strong bones at least :)

    Other crazy symptoms: I think I have arthritis.  My joints - particularly in my hands - feel really stiff and my hands feel full of fluid, even though they don't look swollen - just vascular. 
    Best Moments this week: We worked and worked over Labor Day weekend on nursery projects.  Neil painted and painted, and I worked on my stencil.  We planned out the layout of the room, the things to hang on the wall and bought the little crystals knobs for the dresser.  Things are starting to come together - hopefully even more so in the next week!

    Nicole & Colt came over and spent Thursday morning with me!  They brought a delicious lunch and we crafted and played - it was so much fun!

    Saturday, September 1, 2012

    Nusery Update

     I realize I haven't talked much about the nursery yet!  Here are our two main inspiration photos:

     The walls are already a tan color (Cymric Silver by Ralph Lauren) and we are using mostly white furniture.  The color pallet will resemble the picture on the right (hopefully)!  Lots of cream, tan and white, with little pops of purple, green, yellow and even some blue.

    Neil took advantage of our friend Marty coming to town - with his wife Kelly! Love them :) - and got to work setting up the crib!  What an exciting time!


     I couldn't resist putting my "Sarah" doll in there.  I even went to check on her a couple times ;)

    Here is the book shelf Neil painted for the nursery - white on the outside and clover green on the inside!  He also worked really hard painting and distressing the dresser which is white with hints of purple.  I'd show you a picture of that, but its storming today and my pictures look terrible.  I'll try to post again soon with my wall stencil as well!

    Friday, August 31, 2012

    30 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 30 weeks

    Total Weight Gain:  10 lbs (or 25 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Cucumber (Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.)
    • Her skin is getting smoother.
    • But her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
    • She's now strong enough to grasp a finger!
    Maternity Clothes I squeezed into a pre-pregnancy jean skirt this week!  I was really surprised that it still fit, and I had to go to the bathroom a lot more frequently because it was pretty tight, but I just sagged that skirt down low and I was able to even button it all the way!  
    Its sad, once I find a cute outfit that works, I try to wear it at least twice, which leaves Neil seeing a duplicate wife multiple days.  So if I run into you at the grocery store, chances are I'm wearing the same thing you saw me in last time ;)

    Gender: We are having a Girl!  And we have decided to name her Hadley :)

    Movement: She likes to move it move it.  She gets the hiccups multiple times a week, and I go to sleep and wake up to her kicking most days.  I have lately been able to feel her body a lot more clearly - tiny sharp elbows, her core body as she hiccups, little feet up in my ribcage!  She was kicking this morning and daddy came over to talk to her and kiss on my belly.  She got really still as he was there, and as soon as he left, she kicked again, as if to say "hey!  Where did my daddy go?  I want some more kisses!"
    Sleep: I've started falling asleep on the couch again - poor Neil.  He never acts frustrated at my lack of productivity or laziness.  He is always so understanding, saying that I'm working hard just making our baby!

    Cravings: My dr's office told me that my blood sugar is a little on the high side and to watch my sugars.  Since then all I can think about is the Turtle Pie sitting in the fridge.  I have to convince myself multiple times each day to choose something else! 

    Other crazy symptoms: Still feeling a little sick, although yesterday was a highly productive day!  I'm starting to knock out some of my projects which is helping my "nesting" feelings a lot :)

    My belly button is getting stretched pretty tight.  It isn't an "outtie" but looking down on it from my perspective it kinda has a little beak - a fold of skin that pooks out a tiny bit.
    Best Moments this week: 
    We had the kick off of a new year of small groups at church sunday.  This year will be the first time that Neil and I don't do a couples group together.  He will be leading "The Man Group" and I've joined the women's Life Fit group, which will focus on honoring God in all areas of our life (body, mind and spirit).  We are both so excited!

    I hosted my first baby shower - thrown by my friends at work!  They planned it under the guise of a girls night, so I offered to have it at my house, then they announced that it was really a shower/movie night!  So sneaky.  It was so much fun and we got a lot of great things for the baby!  Its starting to feel more and more real each day!  We watched 13 going on 30.  It is such a cute movie.  Everytime I watch it now I walk around on a cloud for a few days because her fairytale ending in the movie is my true life fairytale :)

    I went to the dentist for the first time since I've been pregnant and was sure they would have to pull all my teeth and start fresh due to my lack of consistency on brushing early in my pregnancy.  However I made it through with flying colors and not even one cavity!  Hurray!

    I got our first Christmas present, surprisingly (or not) for the newest member of our family, my sweet niece!  Neil and I are planning to have all the presents bought before the baby comes (early Nov.) so we aren't stressing about anything last minute (like we usually do!).

    The nurse at the dr's office told me exactly where the baby is positioned - head down, body on the left, little feet kicking to the right!  I love to picture her all curled up in there.

    Thursday, August 23, 2012

    29 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 29 weeks

    Total Weight Gain:  9 lbs (or 24 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Acorn Squash (Average size: 15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 lb.)

    Maternity Clothes
    It has been so nice outside lately, we have run the attic fan almost every day!  I love that cool breeze blowing through the house.  It has me ready for fall!  I have really enjoyed the summer and I'm trying to get the last few uses out of my skirts before I become a full time jeans lady!

    Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

    Movement: My girl is so active.  She has hit the phase of kicking where you can visibly see my stomach moving :)

    Sleep: This week's dreams included me giving birth two twin cows.  I was so disappointed that we didn't have a girl and had calves instead.  Then I couldn't decide what to do with the cows because even though they weren't human, they were still my babies!

    Cravings: Dr. Pepper.  I've been drinking my caffeine free and I'm not trying to complain about it, but there are just some days where my head is in a fog and I need some caffeine! It's not really a headache, and I hate to take Tylenol for it.  Before I was pregnant I would just drink a Coke or Dr. Pepper and it would clear it right up, but no such luck now-a-days!

    Other crazy symptoms: A little bit of a sicky feeling has come back this week.  I don't have nearly as much energy and I have a hard time choosing what sounds good to eat or eating very much of it.  No throwing up though!
    Best Moments this week:
    Kimberly came up and we crafted together
    Neil and I got to spend some time with Amanda's sweet kids
    We interviewed our potential pediatrician
    I received a precious diaper shaped invitation to my shower in OKC - an IceCream Social!

    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    28 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 28 weeks

    Total Weight Gain:  7 lbs (or 22 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Eggplant (Average size: 13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.)

    Maternity Clothes
    I'm starting to get into the groove of maternity clothes - understanding what still fits and what doesn't.  Finally.

    Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

    Movement: My girl is so active.  She has hit the phase of kicking where you can visibly see my stomach moving :)
    Sleep: The crazy dreams are out in full force - from an attempted robbing by a craig's list buyer to having an african american baby with an ex-boyfriend.  I'm ready for some normal happy dreams where neil and I have a baby together and she looks like us and we are all happy and the world is wonderful :)  Neil said those dreams are called day dreams lol

    Cravings: always and forever Ice-cream.  This week I've also been enjoying hummus and fresh plums.  But not together.

    Other crazy symptoms: Drainage/Stuffy Nose/Coughing.  Its been worse since I had my cold, but I've really had these symptoms the whole pregnancy.  I also feel like my stomach is squashed so I can't eat as much as I used to.
    Best Moments this week: Marty and Kelly came up for the weekend and we had a wonderful time!  Nicole, Colt and I went shopping and out to lunch - so fun!  We also had our doctor's appointment this week which was wonderful.  We had our 2nd ultrasound and we were a little disapointed not to be able to see more of our sweetheart's face.  She is head down already, and had her face squashed up against the placenta so we couldn't get a clear shot.  But I could see her little heart beating (146) and her little lips sucking.  We are so glad to have a healthy girl.  I'm measuring in the 45th percentile and the baby weighs about 2lbs 10oz.  Only 12 weeks left!

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

    27 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 27 weeks

    Total Weight Gain: 6 lbs (or 21 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Rutabaga (Average size: 13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.)

    Maternity Clothes:
    I got a ton of wonderful maternity clothes this week from some sweet ladies at church.  It is such a blessing to not have to go out and spend a lot of money on clothes that I will only wear for a few months :) - Thanks Amanda and Heather!

    Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

    Movement: She got the hiccups this week!  It was so cute, I was laying in bed and she kept kicking softly, so I moved so Neil could feel her.  Then I realized that the movements were very rhythmic and softer than her usual kicks and I put it together that it must be hiccups!
    Sleep: My sister lent me her maternity pillow and it is awesome!  It wraps around your whole body and is very supportive - Thanks Karen!

    Cravings: We found CAFFEINE FREE DR PEPPER at walmart!!! I was so excited!  I've been trying not to go crazy on the carbonated beverages, and drink lots of water, but there is just something about a soda that boosts my spirit on a long day.  I had been doing caffeine free coke, but just found out about the Dr. P.

    Other crazy symptoms: Its been a beautiful week - we got a great rain on Wednesday and it has cooled off into the 80's and is just gorgeous!  However, before the cool down, I was having heat stroke like a furnace!  I'm usually cold blooded and end up being chilled anytime I'm indoors no matter what the outdoor temp, so this has been quite a change for me.
    Best Moments this week: We went to OKC for the weekend.  It was so much fun!  We celebrated Neil's birthday and my sister gave me a pedicure :)  We also got a baby swing from my sister and it is so crazy to walk past the nursery and see a little baby thing in there!  Its making it feel very real!

    My dad did lots of work on a changing table for our sweet girl and Neil spent the week painting it and our book shelf.  Things are starting to come together!  Only 13 weeks left :)

    Thursday, August 2, 2012

    26 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 26 weeks

    Total Weight Gain: 4 lbs (or 19 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Lettuce (Average size: 13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.)

    Maternity Clothes:
    I'm wearing the same 4 elastic waist skirts over and over!  Thank goodness I still have some shirts to offer some variety.

    Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

    Movement: I get kicked pretty frequently now-a-days and I'm loving every minute of it :)

    Sleep: Nothing too memorable in the sleep department.  I'm still very dependent on my humidifier and use it everyday!

    Cravings: Cold fresh Orange Juice!

    Other crazy symptoms: I've cut my pill into eighth's.  Its still working even at just 1/2mg each!  I've tried several times unsuccessfully to get off the pill entirely.  Maybe there is hope for me yet!
    Best Moments this week: We celebrated Neil's birthday by going to Branson and eating at our favorite restaurant, Cantina Laredo.  We also went to a beautiful garden/park and walked through the trails.  It is so fun just to be together!  We day dreamed about bringing the baby there someday.

    Thursday, July 26, 2012

    25 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 25 weeks

    Total Weight Gain: 3 lbs (or 18 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Cauliflower (Average size: 13.6-14.8 inches, 1.5-2.2 lb.)

    Maternity Clothes:
    Oh yes! It is surprising how much bigger by belly can look from one outfit to the next.  Apparently my outfit on Sunday was quite accentuating as I got a lot of comments about my growing belly!

    Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

    Movement: Kicks and rolls and jabs :)  Neil has still only successfully felt her a couple times, so we will need to work on that.  Last night she was partying hearty - hands and feet in action (unless she was doing the splits) - because I felt her on the left, then the right, back and forth, back and forth!

    Sleep: I caught a cold this week, so the last two nights sleeping has been hard.  I've been trying to sit up, and that makes getting comfortable difficult.  But that isn't the baby's fault!

    Cravings: I got some Honey Roasted Peanuts that I can't seem to put down.

    Other crazy symptoms: I've cut my pill into fourth's.  This seems to be doing the trick.  Maybe I can just keep cutting it smaller and smaller...

    Best Moments this week: Neil's parents came to town!  We had such a wonderful time.  The weather cooperated perfectly so we could go on a walk each evening.  We made a lot of progress on baby stuff since Neil's parents (and Neil) are professional grade researchers!  We picked out car seats, a stroller, finalized our registry and even ordered a crib!  I am so thankful for their help.  The brought us fun presents - new shoes and some makeup for me and a precious onesie for the baby!  It is pink and white with ruffles!  It was the first time that I actually pictured putting clothes on our baby, and snapping up all the little snaps.  I teared up a little!

    Thursday, July 19, 2012

    24 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 24 weeks

    Total Weight Gain: 2 lbs (or 17 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Canteloupe (Average size: 10.5 inches (from head to toe), 12.7 oz.)

    Maternity Clothes:
    Out in full force.  My shorts no longer fit and require the use of a really stretchy hair band, which presents its own challenges.  I got another light weight dress which both my sister's swore by when they were pregnant.

    Gender: Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

    Movement: Still feeling lots of kicks!  I can sometimes see my stomach move because she is so strong!  Love my health girl :)

    Sleep: Sleeping has been fine lately, except sometimes I get too hot.  I don't really know what to do about it.  Its almost like my body isn't regulating itself properly.  You would think I would wake myself up if I was getting too hot, but no.  And in the morning, I never wake up feeling sweaty, just uncomfortably nauseously hot. Why am i not sweating? Or maybe i just don't sweat enough... its quite odd. 

    Cravings: I must be a "Jersey Girl" because I can't get enough dairy!  I love milk and ice cream and cheese and yogurt.  I have always loved these things but I particularly notice it lately.

    Other crazy symptoms: I had a couple "set backs" this week in the name of progress.  I am trying to stop taking my nausea medicine (Zofran/Ondansetron). I've gotten to down to where I split the pill in half, making it just 2 mg which I take in the mornings when I wake up.  Its the weirdest thing because I don't need it the rest of the day, but if I don't take this pill when I wake up, before I feel nauseous, its pretty much all over.  I almost feel like its all in my head because the pill should only last for 4 hours, and its only half strength b/c it is cut in half.  So why does a 2mg pill create the difference between a good day and a bad day?

    Yesterday I tried skipping the pill altogether and just popping up and eating something first thing.  That didn't go over well.  I ended up throwing up, which wouldn't be that big of a deal, but I can't go on and have a normal day after that.  So I took my pill at that point and ended up feeling pretty decent after like 1:00. 

    So I talked to my Dr. about it at my appointment yesterday and he was so supportive and said he was really proud of me for the progress I'm making and I'm doing so good.  He encouraged me to try some other nausea helpers that didn't work before, but might work now that things are milder.  So this morning I tried taking some Emetrol, and didn't last 10 minutes before I was throwing up.  But I am determined not to take my pill b/c I feel like I need to find a long term solution to this thing!  So I've been on the couch all day and started feeling somewhat better around 3 or 4 and ate a little bit.  Its certainly not as bad as things were at first, since I've only thrown up once each day, but its just so frustrating to feel nauseous all the time.  If it was just throwing up once in the morning and feeling find the rest of the day I would be so fine with that.  Its this lingering sicky feeling that drives me nuts!  I feel like I can't do anything!

    Best Moments this week: We headed up to Kansas City to celebrate Neil's 30th birthday, which will be later this month.  It was such a fun little get-away!  We ate at some great places and took in the sites of the city. 

    We went to the Dr this week and got to hear the baby's heartbeat again.  Neil was so smart and sneaky and actually recorded a clip of it!  I love listening to it over and over.  I even tried to make it into my ring tone but couldn't get it to work.  I feel like we are learning more and more about our sweetie girl.  I told Neil that we have now experienced touch (little kicks), sight (ultrasound), and sound (heartbeat)! He said, yeah and she has affected your taste and smell, so we've got them all!

    We set up some classes to take at the hospital.  I'm so thankful for my wonderful supportive husband.  He has been at every Dr's appointment and is taking 3 classes with me (including breastfeeding!).  My Dr. said at our next appointment we will do another ultrasound!  I can't wait :)

    Thursday, July 12, 2012

    Belly Pics

    I seem to be out of sync with my blog posting and having pictures ready.  It hard to get this pregnant body looking photo ready, plus schedule an opening with my photographer, and clear out the kitchen so we have a blank wall to work with. 

    But here are some pictures just for fun!

    6 Weeks pregnant

     15 Weeks - the first sign of a bump (can you see it??)

    18 weeks - date night!

    20 weeks  

    23 Week Bumpdate

    How Far Along: 23 weeks

    Total Weight Gain: 2 lbs (or 17 from my lowest low)

    Baby Size:
    Grapefruit (Average size: 10.5 inches (from head to toe), 12.7 oz.)

    Maternity Clothes:
    All I want to wear are dresses and skirts.  Which makes it hard to wear super comfortable shoes.  Tennis shoes and a dress are not the most cute...

    But on another note, I got my hair cut!  It is similar to the blonde girl on the far ends of these pictures. She is looking pretty cute with her little headband on - I may have to try that!

    Girl, Girl, Girl!! Its a sweetie little Girl!

    Movement: Lots of kicks and wiggles.  Neil felt a couple more kicks this week :)  She has started kicking more frequently and strongly.  Its so much fun to share her little movements with Neil.

    Sleep: Doing good sleeping.  I would like to run a straw from my humidifier directly to my nose.  It feels like I can't get enough of that cool moist air!

    Cravings: I had to restrain myself from buying Oreo's at the store the other day.  Seriously we went down the aisle and I pick up like 3 different bags, then put them each back, then got sucked back down the aisle a 2nd time!  I ended up leaving the store with Barnum's Animal Crackers and Neil congratulated me on making a "better choice" haha!

    Other crazy symptoms: The baby brain has set in full force.  Luckily it hasn't affected my work much (I make an insane amount of notes to keep from missing anything!).  But I frequently can't grasp words or stop mid sentence bc I've forgotten what I was going to say.

    Case & Point 1: I realized we needed to add Caffeine Free Coke to the list (yes I know I should only be drinking water, but sometimes you just gotta have a coke.  Like with pizza)  So I went to write it on the list and couldn't find the list.  So I hunted around for a while and finally found the list and a pen.  Then couldn't remember what I was going to write.  So I walked all over the kitchen and finally remember that it was the coke.  But by that time I was in the other room and found something else that needed to be added.  Needless to say only one of those things ended up on the list!

    Case & Point 2: I made a whole list of things to talk to my boss about at our meeting Tuesday, then left the list at home.

    Case & Point 3: I was trying to remember if we washed the sheets on the guest bed after the last visitor (don't worry we washed them anyway just to be sure).  Anyway, my sentence to Neil went, "I'm trying to remember [the last time we washed the sheets].... I can't remember what I was going to say"

    Best Moments this week: We cleaned a bunch on the house!  It is looking great!  We donated a bunch of stuff and craigs listed some other things.  We are working on clearing out the nursery and combining the guest room and office into one.  Things are shaping up well!

    Saturday, July 7, 2012

    Garden Fresh

    I never in my life thought I would feel so proud of vegetables!!  My dad planted a beautiful garden this year and it is busting with life!  We took a ton of tomatoes (a Braum's bag 3/4 full), lots of yellow squash, a couple radishes, japalapenos and bell peppers, plus a whole hanger full of onion (my mom suggested hanging them so they stay drier).